Friday, March 27, 2020

HSC in Kingston Ontario

HSC in Kingston OntarioThe science and engineering community is turning towards the new HSC in Kingston Ontario as a major attraction and a must-have course for students. As an HSC student you can already study some of the basic concepts of the subject in the early years, such as introductory topics, study plans, tutorials, project assignments, projects, and final exams.If you have completed your previous studies and want to switch to chemistry, there are many options available to you. Some of these include taking general science courses, chemistry electives, or advanced chemistry courses. There are also other options available that involve the environment science class, such as oceanography, biology, or environmental science.A good HSC in Kingston Ontario tutor will advise you on the best way to study chemistry and provide you with a good study plan. At the end of the day, your success as a student and life as a professional is at stake, so make sure that you get the best possible e ducation. Many people do not realize that their success as a career in the science and engineering field relies heavily on how well they can learn and apply the skills taught in these classes.To qualify as a chemistry professional, a student has to have a minimum grade of 72%. This means that you should take chemistry courses that cover the physical and chemical properties of substances, how these things interact with one another, and how these things change over time. You also need to learn how to use experimental methods to understand these properties. Even if you only want to understand the physical properties of substances, you need to learn how to use these properties to solve problems and predict trends.Chemistry tutors are important because they can help you discover your talents and abilities in chemistry, which can then be used to enhance your performance as a professional in this field. These tutors will work with you to make sure that you can earn your degree, which will allow you to have the skills you need to succeed in this field.In order to qualify as a chemistry professional, you will have to complete a four-year course of study. This is the first step toward becoming a professional, which means that you will need to earn your degree and become certified in your chosen area of interest. The first year of study is a general chemistry course, which includes course assignments, tutorials, final projects, and labs.If you are interested in pursuing a career in the sciences, then you will need to prepare yourself well for this and other career opportunities in the future. Finding a good science and engineering tutor is a great way to start.

Friday, March 6, 2020

National Catholic Schools Week 2019

National Catholic Schools Week 2019 National Catholic Schools Week is the week of January 27, 2019, and Huntington Learning Center will join educators and communities from around the country to recognize this important tradition. The annual academic event celebrates Catholic schools in the U.S., elevating the value of Catholic education and its contributions to communities and the nation. The 2019 theme of Catholic Schools Week is Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed. Daily themes guide the week: Sunday, January 27: Celebrating Our Parish Monday, January 28: Celebrating Our Community Tuesday, January 29: Celebrating Your Students Wednesday, January 30: Celebrating the Nation Thursday, January 31: Celebrating Vocations Friday, February 1: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers Saturday, February 2: Celebrating Families Founded in 1974, Catholic Schools Week is administered by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA), the largest private professional education association in the world, which works with Catholic educators to support ongoing faith formation and the teaching mission of the Catholic church. Catholic Schools Week is a joint project of NCEA and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Co-Founder and CEO, Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center says that Huntington is proud to recognize our nations excellent schools, including Catholic schools. Catholic schools are widely recognized for preparing students to be productive citizens and future leaders, Huntington says. These schools set high academic standards and offer a safe and welcoming learning environment for students. During National Catholic Schools Week and throughout the entire year, we applaud their commitment to rigorous education and sending graduates on to college. Learn more about National Catholic Schools Week at About Huntington Huntington is the tutoring and test prep leader.Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntingtons mission is to give every student the best education possible. Learn how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit 2019 Huntington Mark, LLC. Huntington Learning Center, the three-leaf logo, and 1 800 CAN LEARN are registered trademarks of Huntington Mark, LLC. Each franchised Huntington Learning Center is operated under a franchise agreement with Huntington Learning Centers, Inc.

6 Things to Know Before Taking an Online Course

6 Things to Know Before Taking an Online Course Image via Pexels Be Sure to Evaluate Your Schedule   One factor that is weighed heavily by students who take courses online is their schedule. When thinking about taking classes online and when to do so, evaluating your schedule is important. Are you balancing school, a job, and extracurriculars? Do your current home/work circumstances  require you to be away from campus more frequently? These are important questions to ask yourself, as they will help you decide whether or not to take online classes and  when  to take them. If you are away from campus and need more freedom when it comes to classes, online courses may be the best option for you. The convenience of taking online classes is that you  don’t  have to make the trip to campus, you can learn right from the comfort of your own home. 6 Things to Know Before Taking an Online Course   Image made via 1. Distractions Can Be a Struggle:  Because the online instructional method is different than being in a classroom, your obligations and priorities are different. You are more vulnerable to distractions because of the mere fact that your class is online and requires you to be on a browser. Unfortunately, there are many distractions that can be super tempting when you’re working on schoolwork for your online course, such as engaging in social media, texting, listening to music, and watching TV. To help  minimize distractions, set yourself a timer for 10-15 minutes, indulge in your Twitter feed or texting your s/o, then get back to work. Once you set a time limit for yourself, you’ll not only feel better after your break but you’ll also be able to jump right back into work. 2. Attendance is Important: Part of the reason why online classes are so great is due to the fact that attendance is not as strict and rigid as regular classroom attendance. In contrast to the traditional classroom method, most online courses do not typically hold attendance. Instead, credit is given in the form of either weekly quizzes, discussions, or assignments. Some online courses, depending on which kind you choose, can hold sessions weekly at a specific time, which in that case, attendance would be mandatory in order for you to engage effectively in the course. Regardless of the online course you select, you are in control, which means you can decide whether you want a more open course or rigid one with exact times. Just remember to take attendance seriously, because your online course is just as serious as your traditional classroom one. 3. The Routine of Your Teacher/Course Can Differ:  Not all teachers run their courses the same way, and when it comes to online courses, you will find that some teachers hold virtual meetings while others encourage discussion board participation. Evaluating these differences is important when it comes to your learning style because you can distinguish which kind of approach works best for you and which ones don’t come as easy. Because of the nature of online courses, teachers and professors have to be mainly available through email or some other form of contact, which allows for you to get in touch with them at any time to voice any questions or concerns you have about your learning pace or your progress in the course. Being in contact with your professor in an online course is especially important since they aren’t physically there all the time to notice if you are struggling and/or what you are struggling with. 4. You Can Still Take Risks/Have Fun:  College is not solely about working hard and getting the greatest grades, it’s also about expanding your knowledge, ideas, and perceptions of things you otherwise wouldn’t have known about. With that being said, when reviewing what classes you want to take, take some risks and have fun! If you can take a film course or art course that fulfills one of your requirements, go for it! In my junior year, I took a course that was about the science in science fiction films! It was so much fun- we got to watch a lot of cool movies, all while learning some interesting things about science, and it was online! While in college, you’ll have so many opportunities to learn and engage in fun ways, so don’t hesitate to explore fun courses when looking for online classes. You won’t regret it! 5. You Spend Plenty of Hours Online:  Just like a regular classroom course, an  online course  requires hours of invested time. For example, almost all online courses have some form of classroom engagement, whether that is through a voice-thread post or discussion board entry. Discussions allow you to share your knowledge of the topics and lessons of the week as well as bring forward any questions you wish to ask fellow students. In most cases, instructors will ask a prompt and require you to answer the prompt based on the knowledge of the lessons given that week. Following your response, instructors typically request that you respond to another student’s answer to the prompt with either an agreement, disagreement, or another question.   In addition to discussion posts, Stephanie Larson of US News  states  that your teacher may require you to watch/listen to lectures, participate in group projects and complete other assignments such as a quiz, homework exercise, or exam. 6. Credit Transfers Are Sometimes Tricky: One very important thing that many students forget to take into consideration when looking into online classes is whether or not the credits will transfer to their institution. Now, this is only the case if you were taking a course(s) at a different school than your main, however, it is still knowledge that all students should know. Perhaps you’re taking a course over the summer to lessen the number of credits you take in the fall, or maybe you need an easy course to take to fulfill certain criteria in your major â€" regardless, connect with an academic advisor before enrolling to make sure that the credits transfer correctly and how you expect them to. You don’t want to waste time or money on a course that doesn’t count toward anything! Myths and Misconceptions   Online Courses are Easy: One of the common myths that people assume about online classes is that they are easy by nature. This is a complete myth! Online courses have the same curriculum as any course taken in a classroom, the teaching method is all that is different- and by that I mean, it’s merely taught online. In fact, online courses can sometimes pose more of a difficulty than traditional classroom teaching because students have more responsibility,  says  Lynn Atanasoff, a career counselor at Penn State University. “At reputable institutions, students have to complete the same material as in-person, except they also have to really manage their time because online no one is reminding them when assignments or projects are due,” she says. The Quality of Education is Lower: Just because the course is online, does not mean that the quality of education is lower. The course itself has undergone some sort of process or evaluation by your university to ensure it meets specific standards and adheres to the set curriculum of the course. Online courses and instructors do not just get made up out of the blue and put onto your registration choice list, there’s a process. Jeff Davidson, a strategic initiatives manager of the Free Education Initiative at the Saylor Foundation  comments, “I don’t think there’s any weight to the belief that quality suffers in online education any more so than with a lot of brick-and-mortars. We know brick-and-mortar degrees vary in quality, and that’s the same with online.” There is Zero Interaction with Instructors or Classmates: Another assumption about online classes is that because it’s completely virtual, there is zero interaction with your instructors or classmates. While in some cases there isn’t a  physical  interaction like in a traditional classroom, teachers and students are available through other outlets like phone, email, etc. Teachers are even sometimes more available through online avenues than other ways! You Have to Teach Yourself the Course Material: Because the teaching method is different, another myth is that you have to teach yourself the material of the course. This goes hand-in-hand with the quality of education being lower and zero interaction with instructors. This myth isn’t true at all! Online courses are no different than traditional ones, where there are assignments, quizzes, readings, projects, etc. The teacher creates outlines and presentations to help just as much as a teacher in-classroom would. From my experience, I’ve had some traditional classroom courses that I’ve had to teach myself more than any online course I’ve taken! Cheating is Common: It’s obvious to think that because online courses are all on the internet, that it’s almost a given that students will cheat and automatically get away with it. This is not the case! It is no easier to cheat on online courses than in a traditional course. In fact, it can be a little bit harder! Teachers typically have a plagiarism section software to see whether or not a student has cheated on an essay assignment. Additionally, Terri Williams of U.S. News  writes, “In addition to plagiarism detection software, some online programs require students to take a test at a physical location or to use a webcam while completing an exam. In both cases, students need to show proof of identification.” Image via Pexels Deciding what classes to take online and even if you want to take them can be difficult without the proper help or resources. If you are considering taking courses online, reach out to an advisor and review your requirements, as well as read student reviews to help you decide, but don’t forget to have fun too! Always remember that taking courses online does not make you any less of a student or whatever other criticism you may have heard before. Everyone has different wants and needs, and online courses can be a great option to balance your classes and college life!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Chocolate Good Or Bad For Health

Chocolate Good Or Bad For Health Photo Via: Ah yes, the decadent, sweet treat that makes our mouths water. We’ve come to understand that our sweet tooth does us more harm than good, but we don’t really care either, especially when it comes to chocolate. In the words of almost every human being ever: it’s worth it. Well, science is now pointing in this direction more than ever. As has been revealed before, chocolate could actually lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, control your blood sugar and even help to lower your stress levels, which are all good, positive reasons to eat the sugary treat. This healthy spin on chocolate continues in that it has even been linked to reduce the risk of cancer and dementia, two ailments no human being wants to be diagnosed with. According to Dr. Owais Khawaja, a cardiology fellow at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center (Toledo, Ohio), “Chocolate is a good antioxidant, it has a good effect on inflammation. We think most of the beneficial effects are because of this.” While this is certainly good news in many ways, this does not mean that every chocolate treat you come across is going to be good for your health. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory aspects of chocolate come from cocoa beans specifically nutrients within cocoa beans called flavonoids. These flavonoids are found in all chocolate, but in varying amounts. For instance, dark chocolate has more than milk chocolate. And though the name may fool you, white chocolate doesn’t even contain chocolate, meaning it wouldn’t be a good source of flavonoids. But, to break it down even further, not all dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids either. In fact, some chocolate bars that are over 70 percent cocoa (which would be considered dark chocolate, in most cases), will have less flavonoid compounds than others it all depends on processing. This is where it gets really sciency: if chocolate goes through dutching (a chemical step that’s often referred to as Dutch chocolate), this chocolate has basically lost all traces of flavonoid compounds. Also, most chocolate bars include the addition of milk and sugar; in other words, the parts that make it taste good. However, these additions are also what makes the chocolate bar bad for you. So while theoretically chocolate is a very good thing, that doesn’t necessarily mean that Snickers and Kit Kat bars are a healthier alternative than fruits and vegetables. The truth is, there still isn’t enough research pointing one way or the other: we don’t know the effects of consuming the various types of chocolate, or what the addition of milk does to the healthy components. According to Khawaja, “There is not enough data as to what form of chocolate is good.” While studies are able to differentiate between participants that eat milk, dark and white chocolate, they are unable to test which kinds of these various chocolates the participants are consuming. Plus, more often than not, participants aren’t correctly identifying the type of chocolate they’re eating or accurately representing the amount that they are eating. The consensus, though it’s in no way scientifically proven, is that dark chocolate is probably good. Or, it’s not bad. As Khawaja said, “Until we have more data, don’t eat too much. If you’re having a serving once or twice a day, fine. But don’t start having it six times a day.” So while chocolate is a good snack on very rare occasions, maybe to satisfy cravings or to reward yourself after a stressful week, it is in no way something that should be replacing your healthier foods. Don’t go changing your diet because chocolate may or may not be healthy. Instead, indulge yourself on occasion, assume that the studies aren’t correct, and hope for the best somewhere in the near future. We love you chocolate, whether you’re good or bad for us, and we’ll keep our fingers crossed until the next study takes over the media.

The Learning Tree

The Learning Tree The Learning Tree The Learning Tree is an innovative school nestled among the artist colonies and international schools of north-east Beijing. Founded in 2013 by British and Chinese educationalists, The Tree is successful and growing with happy students, teachers, support staff and parents. We need one more outstanding teacher to complete the team. What sets The Learning Tree apart from other schools is the flexibility afforded to students to study what they want in a curriculum founded in curiosity and their own questions. With small classes, passionate teachers, and full support from the entire team, students are currently doing projects in the evolution of birds, admiralty law, gravity, and music theory. Outside their more conventional classes, The Learning Tree is at the forefront of Project-Based Learning in China. Students have designed an environmental protection website, made safety signs which are in place along a local river and they are now creating a full sales-pitch for a zombie video game. One of the fundamental ways in which we are trying to improve education is through research and innovation. This means working closely with students, parents and the government to establish needs and provide effective solutions. Some of our most recent projects have included developing a positive behaviour system for unmotivated students, producing SSAT materials specifically for Chinese learners, and developing a new weekend programme for city kids to get out into the wild. Aside from positive students, we are most proud of our highly motivated, ambitious and creative team. Split evenly between Chinese and international educators, the diversity of education, experience and background, all working together, is one of our greatest strengths. Our team, both academic and support staff, are graduates of universities all around the world from Cambridge to Beijing; Barcelona to New York with a range of undergraduate degrees. Teachers have formally taught all over the globe in public schools, private schools, international schools, language training centres and universities; theyve also been IELTS examiners, teacher trainers, translators, MBA graduates and entrepreneurs. Everyone in the team has an equal voice and time to develop new ideas, and this has also allowed members without any background in education to take a vital role in our success. It is very important for us that teachers are not only enthused and motivated but also that we help everyone in the organisation to work towards their future long-term goals. Professional development is funded and can include further training, qualifications or time for side projects. Teachers have gone on to write walking guides in the UK, work in a New York high school, the Teach for Australia programme, international school curriculum development in Shanghai, the British government and US politics. View our Brochure

Changwai Bilingual School

Changwai Bilingual School Changwai Bilingual School An excellent academic and social education is a critical component of every familys core values, because it is simply the firm foundation upon which to build a brighter future for our children! In response, our aim at Changzhou Trina International School is to facilitate a family-friendly educational experience by partnering with parents to provide a rigorous and results-oriented academic program, supported and balanced by a broad range of resources and amenities within the context of our modern multi-facility campus. Across the curriculum and along the coordinated continuum from early years all the waythrough to senior years, you will discover our first-class commitment to an all-encompassing approach to the development of character, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and core competencies. It is our desire that these components, in-concert, will equip our students over time to discover and develop their call and career. In turn, and regardless of which path they take, it is also our hope that our students will both seek and seize opportunities for success in the face of the very real challenges of an increasingly competitive and complex global community and that they would do so with confidence, courage and conviction. School is not just about academics. Whether it is transportation, residence, food services, after-school extra-curricular activities (cross-fit, baking, football, dance, yoga, archery, guitar, piano), weekend language and culture classes, weekday evening parenting classes, or even the Parents and Friends Association, there is something for everyone at Changzhou Trina International School. So, please take some time to explore our website and our array of both academic and non-academic services. Since seeing is believing, just click and complete the Contact Us formon our websiteto book a personal student-led tour, and we will also arrange to have your child visit a class for part of a day and join us for lunch! Regardless of whether you are looking to enroll your family in the Early Years, Primary and Middle School, or Senior School, we trust that it will not take long for you and yours to establish a connection with not only our professional community of caring faculty and support staff, but also our warm student body and supportive parental community! Were building a firm foundation, so come form your familys future with us!

San Diego SAT Tutoring 4 Ways to Improve Your SAT Math

San Diego SAT Tutoring 4 Ways to Improve Your SAT Math Tips From a San Diego SAT Tutor:4 ways to improve your SAT math Students are starting to study for their SAT exams and may notice that the math portion is a little bit more complicated than they originally thought. There are so many things today’s test prep student has to learn when it comes to numbers, and theyre encouraged to work on some tips and tricks before the big day. Whether students are memorizing formulas they havent worked on in a while or grasping new concepts, its important to improve skills to get as many points as possible on the SAT exam. The more students practice their math skills, and the sooner they get started, the more likely they are to be able to improve their score on the math portion of this life-changing exam our private San Diego SAT tutoring will help you improve your score. 1. Work on multi-step problems Many students struggle with multi-step issues because they make an error somewhere in the calculation chain. If a student makes even one wrong calculation, their ultimate answer will be incorrect. Its important for test prep students to figure out where they went wrong and correct that particular step. After this, many students fine that multi-step problems are not as hard as they thought. A test prep tutor can help students break the math down into different parts and help the student achieve consistent Improvement (READ: 4 Reasons to Focus on San Diego SAT Tutoring Now). 2. Identify error patterns Another essential element of SAT math is to identify patterns of error. Individual students tend to make the same mistake or series of mistakes over and over again, something that can cause them to lose a lot of points on the exam. Alternately, if they figure out where they went wrong students can end up getting a ton of points just by fixing one or two common errors. It’s important for students to talk with their teacher or tutor to identify their error patterns and then work on fixing them well in advance of the big day. 3. Review old formulas Test prep students often discover they have to do the math they havent worked on for a couple of years. This can be frustrating because its math they already know but have put the back of their mind as theyre learning new concepts. Its essential for test prep students to review old formulas on a regular basis even if its a small part of their SAT study. Students should also review formulas in the days leading up to the exam, so the information is fresh in their minds. 4. Increase speed and accuracy Because the SAT has a strict time limit, its also essential for students to work on speed and accuracy. They need to focus on problem identification, learn what the question is asking for, and practice doing their computations as quickly as they can while still achieving the correct answer. This is something students can start out practicing in their tutoring sessions but should also work on extensively in their self-study. The more practice a student has, the more likely they are to be quick and efficient when theyre taking the actual exam. Need help prepping for your SAT? Our in-home San Diego SAT tutoring will help you score high. Call TutorNerds for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.